The Martinique Oriole ( (eBird) is found nowhere else. The Martinique Amazon (Wikipedia) became extinct in the 18th century. The Martinique Thrasher ( WM) is sometimes considered a full species distinct from the thrasher found on Saint Lucia.
Martinique Giant
Rice Rat Megalomys
desmarestii (Wikipedia)
became extinct in 1902 as a result of the
eruptions of Mt. Pelee. Schwartz's Myotis (flickr)
is now considered to be restricted to Martinique.
Endemic reptiles include the Martinique
Lancehead Bothrops
lanceolatus (INPN)
the Martinique Racer Erythrolamprus
cursor (ONCFS
pdf) (ResearchGate),
the Martinique Threadsnake Tetracheilostoma
bilineatum (iNaturalist)
(p. 44 of ResearchGate
the Martinique Anole Anolis
roquet (iNaturalist),
the Lesser Martinique Skink Capitellum
metallicum (PLAZI)
(fig. 1 at BHL),
Greater Martinique Skink Mabuya
mabouya (ResearchGate)
extinct Martinique Curlytail Leiocephalus
herminieri (BHL),
and the Martinique Geckolet Sphaerodactylus festus (iNaturalist).
The Martinique Volcano Frog Allobates chalcopis (ResearchGate) (INPN) is an endemic poison frog.
The sole endemic freshwater fish is the Iridescent Rivulus Anablepsoides cryptocallus
Rains Fishes) (IUCN).
A deep-sea fish known only from Martinique is a barbeled dragonfish Eustomias globulifer
Among 46 species of beetles unique to Martinique (Insecta
Mundi WM pdf) are a firefly Photinus
littoralis (iNaturalist),
a flower chafer Madiana
brigitteae (INPN),
a ground beetle Calleida
decolor (BOLD),
a jewel beetle Taphrocerus
constantini (MNHN),
a net-winged beetle Mesopteron
(p. 60 of ResearchGate
pdf), a click beetle Achrestus
fortunei (INPN),
the weevils Diaprepes
martinicensis (INPN)
and Geraeus delannoyei
a darkling beetle Cyrtosoma
martiniquense (INPN),
and several longhorn beetles: Eburia
dejeani (iNaturalist),
Dendrobias maxillosus
Solenoptera quadrilineata
and Fortuneleptura
cameneni (INPN)
Other endemic insects include a giant
butterfly-moth Castnia
pinchoni (INPN)
(p. 107 of Trans-FAIRE
a tiger moth Eriphioides
dumbardoni (Persée),
the looper moths Oxydia
brevipecten (iNaturalist)
and Lobocleta
martinicensis (INRA
a bee Melissodes
martinicensis (flickr),
a spider wasp Entypus
igniculus (SHNAO
pdf), a cicada Herrera
(or Carineta)
martiniquensis (INPN),
the katydids Nesonotus
salomonoides (INPN)
and Xerophyllopteryx
martinicensis (Arthropobaz),
a cricket Rhumosa
depazei (GBIF),
and a
walking stick Diapherodes
martinicensis (SEAG).
Other endemic terrestrial invertebrates include a tarantula Caribena versicolor (iNaturalist), the orb-weavers Alpaida elegantula (ResearchGate) and Mangora antillana (Persée), a goblin spider Reductoonops diamant (AMNH WM), a long-jawed orb-weaver Tetragnatha martinicensis (Persée), a curtain-web spider Masteria sabrinae (p. 5 of pdf), the scorpions Didymocentrus martinicae (GBIF) and Tityus marechali (INPN), a tailless whip scorpion Charinus martinicensis (CIRAD pdf), the centipedes Otostigmus salticus (Species New to Science) and Schizonampa barberi (SEF pdf), the millipedes Nannorrhacus parvus (p. 25 of ZNIEFF pdf) and Anadenobolus laticollis (p. 15 of ZNIEFF pdf), a landhopper Cerrorchestia taboukeli (GBIF), and several land snails: Pleurodonte discolor (iNaturalist), Pleurodonte obesa (AMAWECA WM), Miradiscops madinina (Folia Malacologica), Discolepis desidens (, Rhodonyx rubescens (INPN), Helicina antillarum (INPN), Protoglyptus mazei (INPN), Laevaricella semitarum ( pdf), and Amphicyclotulus martinicensis (
Marine invertebrates known solely from Martinique
include a cave-dwelling sponge Plakina
doudou (ResearchGate)
and a number of molluscs: Dermomurex
colombi (GBIF),
Anachis martinicensis
(figs. 1-8 at BHL),
Siratus michelae
Muricopsis corallinus
Teinostoma baldingeri
Isotriphora pardus
(p. 13 of MNHN
pdf), a nudibranch Carminodoris
madibenthos (p. 94 of DEAL
Martinique pdf),
and the cone
shells Conus boui
and Conus norai (IUCN)
Among about 38 vascular plant species restricted to Martinique (DEAL
Martinique pdf) are
the bromeliads Pitcairnia
spicata (iNaturalist)
Aechmea serrata
and Aechmea reclinata
the orchids Epidendrum
cryptopateras (IOSPE)
and Epidendrum cyparisii
Lobelia conglobata
Anthurium acaule
Anthurium lanceolatum
(p. 4 of CBMq
martinicensis (INPN),
obtusatum (INPN),
Gonolobus martinicensis
Besleria lanceolata
martinicense (INPN),
Miconia martinicensis
Miconia leblondii
Phyllanthus ovatus
Polygala antillensis
Goeppertia martinicensis
Rondeletia martinicensis
Trees known only from Martinique include Sciodaphyllum urbanianum (INPN), Inga martinicensis (INPN), Sloanea dussii (AMAWECA WM) (Phytotaxa), Buxus subcolumnaris (INPN), Coccoloba caravellae (INPN), Eugenia gryposperma (INPN), Oreopanax ramosissimus (GBIF), Cybianthus dussii (GBIF), Drypetes dussii (GBIF), and Comocladia undulata (BHL).
Fungi known only from Martinique include Crinipellis nigrolamellata
Planet WM pdf), Agaricus
omphalodiscus (p. 27 of
WM pdf), Lactifluus
marmoratus (fig. 2D at ResearchGate),
and Xylaria
entomelaina (Plate 9 at ResearchGate).
Endemic lichens include Astrochapsa
martinicensis (GBIF).
Endemic non-vascular plants include a moss Pilotrichum luciae (GBIF).
Martinique is an overseas region of France
and part of the Caribbean Islands
biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
Most of the island is part of the
Leeward Islands Moist Forests ecoregion (EoE).
Overviews of Martinique's biodiversity is provided at (DEAL
Martinique pdf) and (INPN
pdf). The Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel provides lists
of endemic animals (INPN)
and endemic plants (INPN).