French Southern and Antarctic Lands
unique to this
overseas territory of France
include the Amsterdam Albatross (ARKive
WM) (eBird),
Southern Pintail (ARKive
WM) (eBird),
and the Kerguelen Shag (eBird)
(p. 28 of TAAF
Amsterdam Duck Anas
marecula (SORA
pdf) probably became extinct in the 18th century. Endemic
subspecies include the Europa White-eye (Conservation
Nature WM), Europa's race of the
White-tailed Tropicbird (Trevor
Hardaker), and the Eastern Black-faced Sheathbill (iNaturalist).
Reptiles restricted to the territory include three kinds of
snake-eyed skinks, all sometimes considered subspecies of more
widespread species:
bitaeniatus from Europa (IUCN)
Nature WM), Cryptoblepharus
gloriosus from Glorioso Island (iNaturalist) (p. 69 of TAAF
and Cryptoblepharus
caudatus from Juan de Nova Island (fig. F at ResearchGate).
The other endemic reptiles are the
Insular Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus
insularis from Juan de Nova (p. 26 of TE
ME UM WM pdf), the Valhalla Skink Flexiseps
from Glorioso (fig. 6 at BHL)
(fig. 3a at BHL),
and the Europa Brown Skink Trachylepis
from Europa (Conservation
Nature WM).
Marine fish known only from the French Southern and Antarctic Lands
include the spiny plunderfishes Harpagifer spinosus
(FishBase) and Harpagifer kerguelensis (iNaturalist),
a scorpionfish Neomerinthe
bauchotae (ResearchGate),
a bellowsfish Notopogon
armatus (GBIF),
Sailfish Pike Channichthys
velifer (Univ.
Kharkov WM
pdf), the Charcoal
Icefish Channichthys
panticapaei (FishBase) (ResearchGate),
the Red Icefish Channichthys
rugosus (FishBase), the Southern Spotted Barracudina Arctozenus australis (GBIF), the snailfishes Careproctus crozetensis and Careproctus discoveryae and Paraliparis wolffi (all at Cybium pdf), the eelpouts Melanostigma bellingshauseni (ResearchGate) and Pachycara cousinsi and Pachycara priedei (both at ResearchGate), a cusk-eel Apagesoma australe (fig. 1 at ResearchGate), and Chimaera compacta (Species New to Science).
An amphipod crustacean Kergueleniola
Verona pdf) known only from Kerguelen is the sole member
of the family
Kergueleniolidae (GBIF)
while another amphipod from Kerguelen Zaramilla kergueleni
is the sole member of the family Zaramillidae. Other invertebrates
only from Kerguelen include a spider Neomaso antarcticus
(p. 56 of ResearchGate
the weevils Bothrometopus
angusticollis (p. 122 of ResearchGate
and Ectemnorrhinus
drygalskii (p. 135 of ResearchGate
a water flea Macrothrix
boergeni (ResearchGate),
a hydroid Candelabrum
bitentaculatum (GBIF),
and a whelk Prosipho
propinquus (fig. 24 at BHL).
A flightless moth Pringleophaga
kerguelensis (INPN)
on both Kerguelen and the Crozets.
Arthropods found solely in the Crozet Islands include a flightless moth Pringleophaga crozetensis (p. 168 of ResearchGate pdf), the weevils Neocanonopsis dreuxi (p. 115 of ResearchGate pdf) and Xanium possessionense (p. 129 of ResearchGate pdf), the ground beetles Temnostega antarctica (p. 150 of ResearchGate pdf) and Amblystogenium padificum (fig. 3E at MNHN pdf), a rove beetle Pseudeuplectus antarcticus (p. 145 of ResearchGate pdf), a gnat bug Phtirocoris antarcticus (p. 153 of ResearchGate pdf), a wingless fly Anatalanta crozetensis (p. 91 of ResearchGate pdf), a non-biting midge Microzetia mirabilis (Insects on Stamps) (BOLD), a unique-headed bug Phthirocoris antarcticus (fig. 4E at MNHN pdf), the spiders Myro jeanneli (Revue Arachnologique WM), and Crozetelus minutus (, a harvestman Promecostethus unifalculatus (GBIF), a pseudoscorpion Austrochthonius insularis (p. 65 of ResearchGate pdf), an amphipod Pseudingolfiella possessionis (ResearchGate), a shrimp Fresnerhynchus crozeti (GBIF), and an earthworm Microscolex enzenspergeri (p. 16 of ResearchGate pdf). A pseudoscorpion Diplotemnus insularis (Pseudoscorpions of the World) (figs. 4-8 at BHL) is known only from Île Saint-Paul. The moths Crambus viettellus (TAAF) and Brachypteragrotis patricei (iNaturalist) and a crane fly Trimicra pauliani (TAAF) are known only from Île Amsterdam.
Endemic invertebrates from Europa include the hermit crabs Pagurixus annulus (Crusta WM)
and Pagurixus europa
a sesarmid crab Leptarma
dispersum (GBIF),
a seastar Aquilonastra
chantalae (GBIF),
termite Neotermes
europae (p. 3 of IRD
pdf), a cockroach Elliptorhina
lefeuvri (CSF WM)
(figs. 11 & 12 at Persée),
a tenebrionid beetle Gonocephalum
malzyi (BHL),
a longhorn beetle Coptops
europae (Cerambycidae
Species WM),
a leafcutter bee Megachile
pauliani (p. 7 of SEF
pdf), and a land snail Ena
gaillardi (BHL).
A wolf spider Hogna juanensis
(fig. 251 at
pdf) is known only from Juan de Nova.
Endemic species of vascular plant include the Lyallia Cushion Lyallia kerguelensis
(p. 75 of TAAF
from Kerguelen, Agrostis
delislei (iNaturalist) (GBIF)
and Plantago pentasperma
(p. 5 of
and Sagina
hookeri (MNHN
pdf) (iNaturalist) and Acaena
insularis (GBIF)
from Île Amsterdam, Sagina
diffusa (MNHN
pdf) from Île
Saint-Paul, Megalastrum
taafense (GBIF) (p. 5 of
and Pentameris insularis
and Plantago stauntonii
and Poa novarae
(GBIF) (iNaturalist)
from both Île Amsterdam and Île
Saint-Paul, Hypoestes
juanensis (INPN)
from Juan de Nova, Perrierophytum
glomeratum (INPN)
(GBIF) (p. 5 of
from Juan de Nova and Glorioso, and several undescribed species (ResearchGate).
Endemic lichens include Neuropogon
(or Usnea)
taylori (colnect), Menegazzia brattii (ResearchGate),
Ramalina gloriosensis
(fig. 3 at ResearchGate),
Caloplaca amsterdamensis (iNaturalist), and Ochrolechia
kerguelensis (ResearchGate).
Endemic non-vascular plants include a liverwort Riccardia novo-amstelodamensis
(p. 12 of ResearchGate
pdf) friom Amsterdam Island and the mosses Sphagnum cavernulosum
(GBIF) (iNaturalist)
from Amsterdam Island and Syntrichia
christophei (Academia
pdf) from Kerguelen.
Terrestrial ecoregions in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands
include Southern Indian Ocean Islands Tundra (EoE),
Amsterdam and Saint-Paul Islands Temperate Grasslands (EoE),
and Ile Europa and Bassas da India Xeric Scrub (EoE).
A list identifying endemic animals of the French Southern and Antarctic
Lands is at (fr.wikipedia)
and (Joseph
Poupin WM pdf). The Inventaire National du
Patrimoine Naturel provides lists of endemic animals (INPN
and INPN)
and endemic plants (INPN
and INPN).