unique to
Kenya include the Tana River Mangabey (ARKive
and the Tana River Red Colobus (iNaturalist).
The Hirola (iNaturalist)
is an endemic genus of antelope following its extirpation from Somalia. Other
endemic mammals include the Golden-rumped Sengi (IUCN),
the Aberdare Mole Shrew Surdisorex
norae (Shrew WM),
the Nyanza Serotine (PLAZI),
Trujillo's Yellow Bat (BHL),
the Afroalpine Vlei Rat (Wikimedia
Mount Kenya Wood Mouse (iNaturalist),
Short-snouted Thicket Rat
the Zena Brush-furred Rat (GBIF) (iNaturalist),
and the Mount Kenya Duiker (iNaturalist). Mammals that appear to be undescribed species include
the Boni Giant Sengi (fig. 2 at Sengis pdf), the
Taita Mountain Dwarf Galago (EurekAlert! WM)
and the Taita Tree Hyrax (Animals
of Taita). The Mountain Bongo (Oryx) is an endemic subspecies.
Birds found only in Kenya include Jackson's Francolin (eBird),
Brown-and-white Barbet (eBird),
Aberdare Cisticola (eBird),
the Tana River Cisticola (fig. 2 at Google
William's Lark (eBird),
Sharpe’s Longclaw (eBird),
Hinde’s Babbler (eBird),
the Taita Thrush (eBird),
the Taita Apalis (East
African), the Taita
White-eye (Lars
the Kikuyu White-eye (eBird),
and the Kulal White-eye
(top at ResearchGate).
Reptiles restricted to Kenya include the Kenya Montane Viper (CalPhotos),
the Mount Kenya Bush Viper (IUCN),
the Kenya Horned Viper (CalPhotos),
the Malindi Centipede-eater (Google
the Meru Tree Snake (iNaturalist),
a worm snake Epacrophis
drewesi (CAS),
the Mbeere Gracile Blind Snake (ResearchGate),
Mount Kenya Hornless Chameleon (iNaturalist),
the Mount Nyiro Bearded Chameleon (iNaturalist),
the Taita Hills Blade-horned Chameleon (iNaturalist),
the Mount Kinangop Alpine Chameleon
Mount Kulal Stump-nosed Chameleon (flickr),
the Mount Kenya Alpine Meadow Lizard (,
the Turkana Shield-backed Ground Lizard (,
Elmenteita Rock Agama (iNaturalist),
the Ngong Agama (iNaturalist),
the Lake Turkana Gecko (iNaturalist),
the Kenya Forest Gecko (GBIF),
the Mount Kenya Dwarf Gecko (iNaturalist),
the Tsavo Snake-eyed Skink (GBIF),
and the Lake Turkana Hinged Terrapin (iNaturalist).
Amphibians found nowhere else include the Bladder Reed
Frog (IUCN),
the Shimba Hills Reed Frog (ARKive
the Montane Reed Frog
Lonnberg's Toad (iNaturalist),
the Turkana Toad (iNaturalist),
the Mount Elgon Torrent Frog
Gallmann's Sand Frog (p. 37 of Kenya
Reptile Atlas WM pdf),
the Irangi Puddle Frog (African
Amphibians WM),
the Kakamega Puddle Frog
the Taita Warty Frog (ResearchGate),
the Kinangop Dainty Frog (iNaturalist),
the Sagalla Caecilian (IUCN),
Spawls' Boolee (GBIF),
and the Taita Caecilian (IUCN). The Mount Kenya Forest Toad Kenyaphrynoides (Oxford) is an endemic genus.
Freshwater fish exclusive to Kenya include the Tana Squeaker
the catfishes Chiloglanis
devosi (iNaturalist)
and Amphilius
athiensis (ResearchGate),
Elongate Killifish
the Kikambala Killifish (WildNothos),
the Athi Sardine (FishBase),
the Tana Sardine (ResearchGate),
the Ewaso
Nyiro Labeo (FishBase),
Garra alticauda (fig. 5 at ResearchGate), the Rhinofish (GBIF)
and the elephantfishes Marcusenius
devosi (Mormyridae WM)
and Petrocephalus
tanensis (FishBase)
and Mormyrus
tenuirostris (iNaturalist).
Some cichlids such as Xystichromis
phytophagus (
and Haplochromis
maxillaris (Cichlid
Room Companion) that were once widespread in Lake Victoria
may now survive only in satellite lakes such as Lake Kanyaboli.
Marine fishes known only from Kenya include the Mombasa Pencil
Wrasse Pseudojuloides
edwardi (ResearchGate),
the Shimoni Sweeper Pempheris
shimoni (FishBase),
and an eel-blenny Rusichthys
plesiomorphus (GBIF).
Kenyaconger heemstrai
(p. 15 of Zootaxa
pdf) is an endemic genus of conger eel.
Butterflies restricted to Kenya include Charaxes baileyi
Charaxes nandina
Rift Butterflies WM), Aslauga
gallmannae (p. 2 of Michel
Libert WM pdf), Spialia
kituina (p. 110 of
pdf) (GBIF),
Stugeta carpenteri
(p. 10 of Metamorphosis
pdf), Iolaus gatamaiyu
(ResearchGate), Cymothoe
teita (p. 53 of
pdf), Capys robertsi (figs. 1-2 at ResearchGate), Pseudathyma nzoia
and Abantis meru
Endemic moths include a saturniid moth Lobobunaea sorangei (iNaturalist) (Afromoths) and a grass-miner moth Perittia gnoma (GBIF).
Other endemic insects include the Kenya Dancing-jewel (ADDO WM), the longhorn beetles Evgenius puchneri (iNaturalist) and Acutandra quentini (ResearchGate), the scarabs Eurypeza aurora (GBIF) and Engistanoxia dessertineae (Hannetons WM), a flower beetle Porphyronota chireyi (GBIF), a jewel beetle Agrilus njugunai (GBIF), a vivid metallic ground beetle Chlaenius pseudocruciatus (p. 31 of ZOBODAT pdf), a caterpillar hunter Calosoma masaicum (iNaturalist), the katydids Afroanthracites pommeri (GBIF) and Horatosphaga sabuk (ResearchGate), a grasshopper Duviardia vansomereni (iNaturalist), a cricket Scapsipedus icipe (ICIPE WM), a mantis Afrothespis kenyana (ResearchGate), the ants Proceratium sokoke (AntWiki) and Tetraponera redacta (GBIF), the bees Calloprosopis magnifica (WaspWeb WM) and Schwarzia gretae (WaspWeb WM), and a wingless ensign wasp Papatuka (or Zeuxevania) alamunyiga (GBIF). The Frightful Hairy Fly Mormotomyia hirsuta (BBC) (BioOne) is the sole member of an endemic family, the Mormotomyiidae.
Other endemic invertebrates include a baboon spider Pterinochilus raygabrieli
a jumping spider Myrmarachne
kitale (BHL),
a telmid
spider Guhua
the scorpions Gint
and Neobuthus kloppersi
(Saruni WM),
a harvestman Aberdereca
parva (Fig. 22 at UFRJ
millipede Parabolus
calceus (GBIF),
the crabs Potamonautes
jeanneli (GBIF)
and Leucisca
halimedophila (GBIF),
a freshwater shrimp Caridina
lumilympha (PLAZI),
an earthworm Polytoreutus
annulatus (fig. 3A at BHL),
a marine whelk Bullia
sendersi (Eddie
Hardy), the freshwater snails Incertihydrobia
(fig. e at Google
Books) and Burnupia
(fig. d at Google
Books), and several land snails: Zingis
radiolata (ARKive
WM), Streptostele
fallooni (,
Lauria desiderata
(fig. 16 at BHL),
Truncatellina arboricola
Africarion orestias
(fig. 15 at BHL),
and Gulella mkuu
A family of marine crustaceans, the Apseudellidae (GBIF)
is known only from specimens collected in Kenyan waters.
Among the 467 vascular plants known solely from Kenya (PhytoKeys)
are a giant groundsel Dendrosenecio
Lobelia bambuseti
the Taita African Violet
classenii (IUCN),
Acridocarpus taitensis
Dorstenia christenhuszii
African Plants WM), Zehneria
monocarpa (ResearchGate), Barleria robertsoniae (IUCN),
Monadenium yattanum
Caudiciforms), Marsilea
fadeniana (PCC), Megalochlamys
tanaensis (IUCN),
verticillata (East
African Plants WM),
(or Pigea)
pinguicula (Wikipedia),
Aneilema tanaense
Huernia archeri
( WM),
Peponium elgonense
(fig. 2A at PhytoKeys),
Impatiens hoehnelii (iNaturalist), Bothriocline nyiruensis (IUCN), Anisotes ukambensis (IUCN), Sedum keniense (fig. 3K at MDPI), and the orchids
piersii (Orchids
Forum WM)
and Holothrix
pentadactyla (IOSPE WM).
Trees known only from Kenya include the Parasol Tree (Useful Tropical Plants), the Meru Oak (GTC WM), Uvariodendron schmidtii (PhytoKeys), Euphorbia tanaensis (IUCN), Croton alienus (iNaturalist), Bauhinia mombassae (ARKive WM), Xylopia keniensis (GBIF), Commiphora oblongifolia (twitter WM), Meineckia ovata (fig. 4D at PhytoKeys), Parkinsonia anacantha (JSTOR), Cola octoloboides (p. 22 of CBSG pdf), Pavetta teitana (iNaturalist), Psychotria petitii (East African Plants WM), Vepris robertsoniae (ResearchGate), Pandanus kajui (African Plants WM), and a cycad Encephalartos tegulaneus (POWO).
Endemic vascular plant genera include Kenyacanthus (ResearchGate) (iNaturalist), Allmaniopsis (JSTOR) (Google Books), and Dibrachionostylus (JSTOR).
Endemic lichens include Lecanora
mugambii (100
New Lichens WM) and Micarea
stellaris (
Fungi known only from Kenya include Fuscoporia kenyana (PLAZI) and Marasmius afrosulphureus
(FFTA). Endemic
non-vascular plants include the mosses Bryosedgwickia barlassinae
and Dicranella
grandispora (GBIF)
and the liverworts Lejeunea
kuerschneriana (ResearchGate)
and Scapania hedbergii
Portions of Kenya are part of the following biodiversity hotspots: the
Coastal Forests of Eastern Africa (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM),
the Eastern Afromontane (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM),
and the Horn of Africa (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
Important freshwater ecoregions for
endemic species include Lake Victoria (IUCN
WM pdf)
and the Tana, Athi & Coastal Drainages (FEOW
For an overview of Kenya's biodiversity
see (Univ.
York pdf).
Endemic spider species are indicated at (African