A mammal known only from Mali is the Rupicolous Gerbil Gerbillus rupicola (ZSL) (GBIF).
The Mali Firefinch Lagonosticta virata (eBird) (IUCN) is a near endemic bird, also occurring in eastern Senegal.
A new genus of thread snake, Rhinoguinea magna (MNHN) (IRD pdf), was described in 2014. A lizard Agama cristata (p. 16 of IRD pdf) (p. 138 at IRD pdf) is known with certainty only from Mali, although it is likely to be more widespread.
Bata Marsh Toad Sclerophrys chudeaui (IUCN)
(BHL) is
an endemic amphibian of questionable validity (African
Amphibians WM).
Freshwater fish restricted to Mali include a killifish Micropanchax
ehrichi (Killifish
of Western Africa) ( WM) and a catfish Bagrus
filamentosus (FishBase).
Insects unique to Mali include a katydid Conocephalus
meadowsae (OSF), the moths Azygophleps attenboroughi (figs. 6-7 at ResearchGate) and Camellocossus poltavskyi (PLAZI) and Siccia kravchenkoi (ResearchGate), a figitid wasp Xyalophora
tedjoansi (WaspWeb WM),
a potter wasp Cyrtolabulus
caputabnormis (p. 4 of Biologiezentrum WM
pdf), the
leaf beetles
Pachnephorus malicus
and Pachnephorus achardi (GBIF),
a flower beetle Pseudalleucosma
ruteri (GBIF),
a scarab beetle Jossonthophagus
omnigranulatus (MNHN),
a longhorn beetle Niphotragulus occidentalis (Cerambycidae Species WM), a ground beetle Omophron pallidum (GBIF), a mayfly Caenis
orthostilata (p. 21 of Ephemeroptera
Galactica pdf), an owlfly Disparomitus spatula
a horse fly Haematopota
athlyna (GBIF),
a scuttle fly Megaselia
guentermuelleri (ResearchGate),
a shoot fly Atherigona kenierobaensis (fig. 33 at ResearchGate), a scale insect Steatococcus
hystrix (ResearchGate),
and an ant Crematogaster
longiceps (Ants
of Africa).
Jumping spiders endemic to Mali include Menemerus
legalli (BHL), Myrmarachne bamakoi
(BHL), Afraflacilla bamakoi (, Neaetha catulina (BHL), and Mogrus dalmasi (BHL). Other endemic invertebrates include
a gnaphosid spider Poecilochroa
antineae (BHL), an orb weaver Nemoscolus turricola (Google Books), the scorpions Butheoloides
(MNHN) and Leiurus tamajeq (Scorpion Files) and Leiurus saharicus (Scorpion Files) and Buthiscus ifoghas (Internet Archive),
the millipedes Ectopotremia
pierrardi (BHL)
and Peridontopyge
maliensis (BHL), an ostracod crustacean Meischcandona
boitanii (RBINS
pdf), an isopod crustacean Magniezia (or Stenasellus) laticarpa (IJS
pdf), and a freshwater mussel Iphigenia (or Profischeria) centralis (figs. 6-7 at BHL) (IUCN).
Among about fifteen endemic vascular plant species are a
legume Gilletiodendron
glandulosum (African
Plants WM) (iNaturalist),
monodii (ARKive
fauquei (MNHN) (IUCN),
pseudohirtus (JSTOR),
sclerophylla (GBIF)
(IUCN), Striga ellenbergeri (BHL), and eight
Pandanus raynalii
African Plants WM),
Pandanus cissei
Pandanus echinops
(JSTOR), Pandanus
Pandanus laferrerei
Pandanus malgrasii
Pandanus muralis
and Pandanus
sikassoensis (JSTOR).
Fungi known only from Mali include Podaxis chevalieri (BHL) (BHL). Non-vascular plants known only from Mali include the mosses Isopterygium teretiusculum (GBIF) and Anoectangium nigerianum (GBIF).
The Inner Niger Delta Flooded Savanna ecoregion (WWF WM)
is unique to Mali. For more information on the flora and
fauna of
Mali see the "Situation General de la Diversite Biologique au Mali" (Office du Niger