found only in
Pakistan include the Balochistan Pygmy
Jerboa (
WM) (GBIF) (iNaturalist),
Balochistan Forest Dormouse (GBIF)
the Kohistan Mountain Vole (p. 85 of OAPEN pdf),
and the Pale Gray White-toothed Shrew (GBIF).
The Punjab
Urial (caprinae
world) is sometimes considered a full species, while
the Chiltan Wild Goat Capra
aegagrus chialtanensis (caprinae
world) (iNaturalist)
is an endemic subspecies. The Indus
River Dolphin (WWF-Pakistan
New to Science) is a near-endemic with only a tiny isolated
population occuring also in the Beas River in India.
Reptiles unique to Pakistan include the Pakistan Rock Agama
Farooq’s Garden Lizard (iNaturalist),
the Red-throated Agama (Reptile
Database), the Chitral Gecko (Reptile
Database), Baig's Tuberculated Rock Gecko (CalPhotos),
the Battle Plump Gecko (Reptile
Database), Tanishpa's Dwarf Gecko (GBIF),
Kushmore's House Gecko (iNaturalist),
the Batura Glacier Gecko (CalPhotos),
the Pakistan Fan-fingered Gecko (BHL),
the Cholistan Desert Lacerta
Kakar's Racerunner
New to Science), the Thal Skink Eumeces
indothalensis (BHL),
the Cholistan Striped Skink
the blind snakes Indotyphlops
madgemintonai and Indotyphlops
(both at Wildlife
of Pakistan WM pdf), the Brahui Racer Platyceps
noeli (p. 63 of Senckenberg
pdf), and the Sind River Mud Snake Mintonophis
pakistanicus (BHL) (ResearchGate).
Endemic amphibians include the Swat Green Toad Bufotes pseudoraddei
the Baloch Green Toad Bufotes
(fig. D at ResearchGate)
and the Kashmir Torrent Frog Allopaa
barmoachensis (fig. F at ResearchGate).
Freshwater fish known solely from Pakistan include the Indus Catfish Mystus horai (ScotCat),
the Zhobi Mahseer Naziritor
zhobensis (FishBase),
Labeo nigripinnus (fig. 3 at BHL), the loaches Schistura
machensis (p.
12 of Taylor
& Francis pdf) and Paraschistura (or Schistura) prashari (p.
3 of SciELO
and Triplophysa
(p. 4 of OAJI
a snow carp Schizothorax
ramzani (
pdf), Puntius
waageni (fig. 4 at BHL),
and a hill trout Barilius
pakistanicus (FishBase).
Endemic Asian hillstream catfishes include Nangra
robusta (p. 3 of SciELO
Glyptothorax stocki
Sisor pakistanicus
Marine fish recorded solely from Pakistan include an anchovy Thryssa supra (Facebook), a goby Bathygobius karachiensis (Cybium pdf), the Reverse Skate Amblyraja reversa (p. 60 of FAO pdf), and a torpedo ray Torpedo zugmayeri (fig. 6 at ResearchGate).
Butterflies restricted to Pakistan include Pseudochazara
annieae (BHL),
filistigma (BHL),
Karanasa pupilata
(fig. 10 at Internet
Archive), Lasiommata
ananda (figs. 2 & 5 at BHL),
Polyommatus muellerae
(figs. 17-20 at zobodat
pdf), Pamiria farazi
Commons), and Turanana
chitrali (BHL).
Endemic moths include a hawk moth Hyles
stroehlei (Sphingidae
of the W Palaearctic), a carpenter moth Dervishiya sindhi
(fig. 9 at ResearchGate),
and an armyworm Spodoptera
hirsutus (ResearchGate).
Other endemic insects include the ground beetles Carabus baronii (flickr) and Bembidion ioheli (fig. 69 at SSNR pdf), a tiger beetle Myriochila akhteri (ResearchGate), the longhorn beetles Chlorophorus pseudoswatensis (Cerambycidae Species WM) and Afghanicenus aulicus (p. 21 of Biologiezentrum WM pdf), a click beetle Lanelater pakistanicus (GBIF), a tortoise beetle Notosacantha pakistanica (ResearchGate), a flower beetle Coenochilus hervillardi (GBIF), a darkling beetle Dietomorpha gonzalesi (Wikispecies), the bees Parammobatodes craterus (p. 8 at zobodat pdf) and Pseudapis oysterensis (Atlas Hymenoptera WM), a potter wasp Alastor laticlypeus (ResearchGate), the ants Stenamma jeriorum (AntWiki) and Proceratium confinium (AntWiki), a hoverfly Merodon nigroalatus (GBIF), the katydids Sathrophyllia irshadi (ZooKeys) and Tettigonia chitralensis (fig. 1 at ZSP pdf), a grasshopper Eremopeza kashmirensis (GBIF), a damselfly Calicnemia fortis (ResearchGate), and the cicadas Pakidetta jamshoroensis (GBIF) and Cicadatra ziaratica (ResearchGate).
Other endemic invertebrates include the scorpions Hottentotta finneganae
(p. 20 of Euscorpius
and Fetilinia dentator
the jumping spiders Stenaelurillus
mardanicus (ZooKeys)
and Aelurillus
tenebrosus (Salticidae
of the World WM),
a lynx spider Oxyopes
pdf), a cellar spider Pholcus
kalam (GBIF),
a harvestman Starengovia
ivanloebli (GBIF),
a whip spider Charinus
(or Sarax)
pakistanus (PLAZI),
a millipede Quasidesmus
puschtun (BHL),
a freshwater crab Himalayapotamon
robertsianum (PLAZI), a
hermit crab Pagurus
nisari (ResearchGate),
a freshwater amphipod Sarothrogammarus kalamensis (PLAZI), and the land snails Cylindrophaedusa
farooqi (ResearchGate)
and Columella
nymphaepratensis (figs. 2-6 at ResearchGate).
Endemic marine molluscs include a cleft clam Leptaxinus indusarium
Lab pdf) and the whelks Bullia
Hardy) and Bullia
indusindica (Eddie
Among about 300 vascular plant species exclusive to Pakistan ( pdf) are Chrysojasminum leptophyllum
Astragalus gilgitensis
(p. 19 of WWF
Pakistan WM pdf), Androsace
russellii (
pdf), Haplophyllum
gilesii (p. 26 of WWF
Pakistan WM pdf), Rhodiola
saxifragoides (p. 28 of WWF
Pakistan WM pdf), a tansy Tanacetum baltistanicum
a tamarisk Tamarix
of Pakistan WM), a pink Saponaria
subrosularis (Facebook),
Allium zhobicum
Silene longisepala
Aegopodium burttii
of Pakistan WM), Oxytropis
mandokhailii (ResearchGate),
Tephrosia rechingeri
Nepeta sulaimanica
(ResearchGate), Cardamine pakistanica (GBIF),
stocksii (PhytoKeys),
a mallow Malva
qaiseri (Flora
of Pakistan WM), Convolvulus
scindicus (p. 134 of Forever
Indus WM pdf), Cicer
appozaicum (ResearchGate),
megacephala (fig. 6 at ResearchGate),
Douepea tortuosa
Tragopogon pashtunianus (ResearchGate), and Abutilon jafrii (ResearchGate). Endemic genera include Spiroseris
Portal pdf) (GBIF) and Zhobia (twitter) (Oxford).
Endemic fungi include Amanita
ahmadii (ResearchGate)
and Cortinarius
pseudotorvus (ResearchGate).
Endemic lichens include Caloplaca
cyanotropha (
and Halecania
pakistanica (GBIF).
Endemic non-vascular plants include the mosses Plagiothecium higuchii (PhytoKeys), Miyabea nishimurae (GBIF),
and Fissidens
chitralensis (GBIF).
Endemic marine algae include Stypopodium
shameelii (fig. 2A5 at ResearchGate).
Part of Pakistan is included in the Himalaya biodiversity
hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
Important terrestrial ecoregions include
the Sulaiman Range Alpine Meadows (EoE)
and the Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau Alpine Steppe (EoE).