Saudi Arabia
Checklist of Endemic Marine Fish Species
This list of marine fish species found exclusively in Saudi Arabia is based on the taxonomy used in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes (2023). For further details on possible inaccuracies in the list see Sources & Caveats.
Fricke, R., Eschmeyer, W. N. & Van der Laan, R. (eds) 2023 Catalog of Fishes: Genera, Species, References. Version downloaded 9 February 2023
The current version can be accessed here
Marine fishes known only from the deep-sea (below 200 m) are listed at the bottom of the page and are not included in species totals
+ = species added to the Catalog of Fishes after 9 Februrary 2023
Acanthopagrus oconnorae
(Acanthuriformes Sparidae)
Pempheris sergey
(Acropomatiformes Pempheridae) Jeddah Sweeper
Pempheris tiran
(Acropomatiformes Pempheridae) Tiran Sweeper
Pempheris viridis
(Acropomatiformes Pempheridae) Arabian Sweeper
Heteroconger balteatus
(Anguilliformes Congridae) Orangespotted Garden
Ophichthus olivaceus
(Anguilliformes Ophichthidae) Olivaceous Snake
Aseraggodes kruppi
(Carangiformes Soleidae)
Acanthoplesiops cappuccino
(Cichliformes Plesiopidae) Coffee Basslet
Coryogalops guttatus
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Orangespotted
pseudomonospilus (Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Brownspot
Eviota geminata
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Geminate Dwarfgoby
Hetereleotris aurantiaca
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Orangel Goggle Goby
Hetereleotris dorsovittata
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Bandfin Goby
Priolepis melanops
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Blackfaced Reefgoby
Sueviota aethon + (Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Grumpy Dwarfgoby
Schindleria parva (Gobiiformes Schindleriidae)
Schindleria qizma + (Gobiiformes Schindleriidae)
flavicinctus (Gobiiformes Xenisthmidae) Yellowbarred Naked Wriggler
Gymnoxenisthmus tigrellus
(Gobiiformes Xenisthmidae) Tiger Wriggler
Callionymus flavus
(Syngnathiformes Callionymidae) Yellow Ruddertail
Diplogrammus paucispinis
(Syngnathiformes Callionymidae) Saudi Arabian
Canthigaster aziz
(Tetraodontiformes Tetraodontidae) Aziz's Toby
Nettenchelys bellottii
(Anguilliformes Nettastomatidae)
Arnoglossus marisrubri
(Carangiformes Bothidae)