species found nowhere else include the Svalbard Cinquefoil Potentilla insularis (Flora
of Svalbard)
the Svalbard Saltmarsh Grass Puccinellia
svalbardensis (Flora
Svalbard WM), and Wilander's Buttercup Ranunculus wilanderi
of Svalbard).
The Svalbard Reindeer Rangifer
tarandus platyrhynchus (Norwegian
Polar Institute) (Mongabay)
is an endemic subspecies of mammal and is sometimes recognized as a
full species (ZooKeys).
The Svalbard Rock Ptarmigan (Learning Arctic Biology) is an endemic bird subspecies.
A char Salvelinus salvelinoinsularis (Ittiofauna WM) (ResearchGate) is known only from Bear Island. Deep-sea marine fishes known only from Svalbard's territorial waters includes the following snailfishes: Careproctus latiosus (ResearchGate), Careproctus moskalevi (fig. 1 at pdf), and Rhodichthys melanocephalus (ResearchGate).Endemic insects include the aphids Sitobion calvulus (p. 6 of WM pdf) (Learning Arctic Biology) and Acyrthosiphon svalbardicum (iNaturalist) (SPIDER WM), the braconid wasps Diaeretellus svalbardicum (INRA WM) and Aphidius leclanti (BOLD), the dung flies Scathophaga annae and Scathophaga simaceki (ResearchGate), a black fungus gnat Trichocoelina obesula (GBIF), and an undescribed chironomid fly "Smittia sp. 1ES" (Springer).
Other endemic invertebrates include a springtail Megalothorax svalbardensis (GBIF), the mites Antennoseius oudemansi (ResearchGate) and Kunstidamaeus (or Allobelba) arcticus (PLAZI) and Cecidophyes siedleckii (ResearchGate), a marine amphipod Nicippe isaki (Taylor & Francis), the tardigrades Isohypsibius coulsoni and Bryodelphax parvuspolaris (both at Springer WM pdf), the gastrotrichs Chaetonotus svalbardi (ResearchGate) and Bifidochaetus arcticus (ResearchGate), a rotifer Encentrum murrayi (, an undescribed mollusc in the genus Simrothiella (Univ. Bergen WM), and a sponge Halicnemia wagini (PLAZI).
Endemic fungi include Hebeloma
perexiguum (Fig. D at ResearchGate)
and Psychromyces
glacialis (fig. 5 at Microbiology
Soc.). Endemic lichens include Rusavskia dasanensis
and Rhizocarpon mahreri
Svalbard is a territory of Norway.
For overviews of invertebrate biodiversity see (ResearchGate) and (ResearchGate).
Species of mites known only from Svalbard are indicated with a
"†" on Table 1 of (ResearchGate).